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Percentage of Joined Classmates: 58.1%

A:   209   Joined
B:   151   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)

Mankato High School

Welcome to the

Mankato High

Class of 1969


If you are you thinking of attending the 55th MHS Class Reunion on September 27th or 28th, We’ve learned hotel room availability in Mankato is very limited for that weekend so it’s a good idea to secure your hotel lodging ASAP.


Good news on our upcoming 55th reunion. We have secured our venue for Saturday evening’s reunion gathering. We will be at an exciting new space in downtown Mankato called Arch+Cable. Along with a 20 room boutique style hotel, this new space provides us with a large gathering room that includes a rooftop deck and unique views of Mankato. If you are planning to attend on Friday and/or Saturday, and are looking for a hotel room, the Arch+Cable has offered our class a discounted room rate.

There will be a link to the Arch+Cable that includes the discount promo code "1969". All rooms are the same rate of $169+taxes. If you are interested in booking a room, act quickly, because there are a limited number of rooms remaining for those nights.

More details including registration form, cost,and times will be shared soon. We’re working hard to keep the cost low and the good times high. 

Remember, in order to get the room discount, the reservation must be made ONLINE only and with the "1969" code entered. DO NOT call the hotel directly.

To make reservations copy and paste the link below to your browser search bar: